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What does Commended Plus Mean?
Posted by binky54
5/25/2014  3:30:00 PM
Recently my partner and I completed our bronze medal test for international waltz and tango - in Canada. On the form from the examiner, he circled 75% and above the number beside the word commended he wrote "Plus". What does that mean? Does "commended plus" mean we received 75% or is it a higher number than that?

Re: What does Commended Plus Mean?
Posted by terence2
5/28/2014  1:35:00 AM
Being a former examiner, its a term ,with which Im not familiar . The levels are/were ...

1.. Pass 65.. 74
2.. Comm.74.. 85
3.. Highly comm.86..100

I must go on the assumption that, it infers you were above the required mark for Comm. but not quite high enough for the next level.
Normally, I would mark with a specfic percentage for clarity( As would most examiners ) .

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